logoZemach Tissue Culture

TC Lab

Tissue Culture Lab

Ginosar Agro operates a state-of-the-art tissue culture lab, which was established in 1984. The lab is quality-oriented with strict quality control and has the capacity of producing a total of 5 million plants a year. Being the heart of Ginosar Agro's plant manufacturing, the lab is also the basis for continuous innovative Research and Development of new techniques for improving quality, minimizing mutations and improving cost-benefit outcomes.

Plant tissue culture micropropagation is a technique used to multiply one whole plant from one of its cells under sterile conditions on a nutrient culture medium of known composition.

Plant tissue culture relies on the fact that many plant cells have the ability to regenerate a whole plant. In the banana case, its callus cells are used to generate a new plant on culture media given the required nutrients and plant hormones.

Tissue culture micropropagation

The advantages of Tissue culture micropropagation technique over traditional suckers/cuttings planting:


The initiations of our plants are taken from a selected young mother plant only once. As a result, the quality of the plants will be higher, and the plants will be identical, both genetically and physiologically.


Tissue culture plants are multiplied in sterile lab conditions and are diseases and pests free.

Environment conditions

Since the tissue culture plants are propagated under lab conditions, with complete control over lighting and temperature, we can multiply them throughout the year, regardless of weather conditions.

Rapid absorption of plants

The absorption of tissue culture plants in the greenhouse is faster and more successful than that of the cuttings.

Mass production

Tissue culture multiplication technique allows mass pre-planned multiplication of tens of thousands cultures in a relatively small area.

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